Friday, July 13, 2012

Random Acts of Kindness

The time has come when we cannot just rely on others to make the world a better place – each one of us has to do our bit.

It is therefore time for people to be more and more aware about their Personal Social Responsibility (PSR).

PSR is all about doing to others what you would like others do to you. It is about recognising how your behaviour affects others, and holding yourself accountable for your actions. For example, contrast someone being well mannered and kind, with someone being rude.

And this brings me nicely to the theme of this post – being kind to others.

Kindness is contagious – and as part of Personal Socially Responsibility you might want to consider carrying out random acts of kindness on a daily basis.

It is truly a win/win/win situation. The person you are being kind to benefits through your help. You feel good for having helped someone. And the world is a better place through your kindness.

Never underestimate the impact of a single act of kindness. I still remember, after many years, the time someone stopped and helped me after my car had broken down down. Since then, I have stopped on the road myself and helped stranded motorists a number of times. All because of that single act of kindness by a stranger.

Also, it is important to carry out your acts of kindness without expecting anything back.

So where do you begin?

To get you started, I have listed 29 ideas below. And why the number 29? Because it is as good a number as any – and also because I couldn’t think of idea number 30!

Put them into practice and also create your own:-

1. Send someone a hand written note of thanks.

2. Make a card at home and send it to a friend for no reason.

3. Buy a lottery ticket for a stranger.

4. Put some coins in someone else’s parking meter.

5. Buy a coffee for the man on the high street selling The Big Issue magazine.

6. Cut your neighbour’s hedge.

7. Walk your friend’s dog.

8. Give a compliment about your waiter / waitress to his / her manager.

9. Send someone a small gift anonymously.

10. Stop and help someone replace their flat tyre.

11. Let someone jump the queue at the bank.

12. Pay for the drinks on the next table at a café.

13. Treat a friend to the movies for no reason.

14. Give a huge tip to someone when they least expect it.

15. Hold the train door open for someone rushing to get in.

16. Give up your seat for someone, not just an elderly person.

17. Write notes of appreciation at least once a week.

18. Talk to a homeless person and have a “normal” conversation.

19. Pick up some rubbish in the road which would otherwise be lying around.

20. Compliment a work colleague for their excellence.

21. Recommend a competitor to a potential client.

22. Give another driver your parking spot.

23. Give a piece of fruit to a delivery person.

24. Help an elderly neighbour carry the rubbish out.

25. Tell all your family members how much your appreciate them.

26. Leave a copy of an interesting book on a train / bus.

27. Buy an inspirational book for a friend.

28. Send a thank you note to a person who has helped you in the past.

29. Smile a lot.

What goes around is sure to come around – happy helping :-)

Please apply these ideas in your life from today – and share your own ideas and how you get on with spreading kindness in the world in the comments. That way I won’t have to think up idea number 30 myself!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Melanoma Myths

The facts you should know!

Most people are aware that melanoma is a form of skin cancer but many don't realise that it's not like the other forms of skin cancer and the following are some common beliefs about melanoma that are incorrect.

1. You only get melanoma where you've got sunburn: NOT TRUE

Melanoma does most commonly occur on sun-exposed skin, but it can grow just about anywhere - on the soles of your feet, the roof of your mouth, in your eyes, under your nails and in your sinuses or genital areas.

2. Only those who spend a lot of time in the sun are at risk: NOT TRUE

Although it is true that exposure to ultraviolet radiation increases our risk of melanoma - with more than 80% of melanoma caused by the sun - intermittent strong exposure to UV is more likely to damage skin cells and cause melanoma compared to getting a small amount of sun exposure every day. People who live in hot climates have a greater risk, but those who live in cooler climates aren't necessarily safe as temperature does not necessarily correlate with radiation - you can have cool weather with high UV.

3. Melanoma is something only older people get: NOT TRUE

Your chances of developing melanoma do increase with age however young people do get melanoma aswell. In fact, melanoma is the most common cause of cancer death in young Australians. 

4. People with dark skin don't get skin cancer: NOT TRUE

Good sun protection is just as important for people with dark skin even though they may never burn and their risk of melanoma is lower than that of people with fair skin, they are still at risk of getting skin cancer. 

So make sure you are sun safe when your in the sun whether it's hot or cold! Remember melanoma is the fourth most common cancer in NSW.

And ensure your life insurance policies are in place in case this were to happen to you!

Source: Hunter Melanoma Foundation - PipsNPieces May 2012