So what does it mean if your a business and your not on Facebook? It's okay, you business is not going to collapse tomorrow, but you may be missing out on valuable opportunities to grow your business. While Facebook is not the be all and end all of your marketing strategy it can be an important and very successful tool for creating customer loyalty and building your brand and best of all it is free!
For the small business that maybe can't afford a traditional website Facebook business pages offer a cheap alternative. For large business it is a great way to reach the masses. Some great Facebook business pages to check out include Coke, Nike and Cadbury. Some smaller local pages include Asimus Business Coaching, Absolute Infinity and of course mine (Wayne W Lennan Financial Services), which as I am learning is a work in progress.
Now setting up a basic page is not as difficult as the prospect of doing it seems and once you get started you can get tips and advice on how to tweak it to give it that corporate look.
To help any businesses in Newcastle get started Lindy Asimus and I are going to be running some short workshops over the next few weeks that will offer practical advice for getting your Facebook business page up and running. Lindy is a dedicated social media expert (junkie...) with great tips to not only set up your page but practical ideas for how you can use it to promote your business. While there is a small cost involved, $10 Lindy has kindly offered to do this and donate all proceeds to our Light the Night team for the Leukaemia foundation.
Groups for these Facebook sessions will be kept to a maximum of 6 people at a time so everyone will get the opportunity for some one on one time with Lindy.
If you are interested in attending one of these sessions please click here to register and recieve your free guide "7 steps to a healthy growing business".
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