Friday, July 13, 2012

Random Acts of Kindness

The time has come when we cannot just rely on others to make the world a better place – each one of us has to do our bit.

It is therefore time for people to be more and more aware about their Personal Social Responsibility (PSR).

PSR is all about doing to others what you would like others do to you. It is about recognising how your behaviour affects others, and holding yourself accountable for your actions. For example, contrast someone being well mannered and kind, with someone being rude.

And this brings me nicely to the theme of this post – being kind to others.

Kindness is contagious – and as part of Personal Socially Responsibility you might want to consider carrying out random acts of kindness on a daily basis.

It is truly a win/win/win situation. The person you are being kind to benefits through your help. You feel good for having helped someone. And the world is a better place through your kindness.

Never underestimate the impact of a single act of kindness. I still remember, after many years, the time someone stopped and helped me after my car had broken down down. Since then, I have stopped on the road myself and helped stranded motorists a number of times. All because of that single act of kindness by a stranger.

Also, it is important to carry out your acts of kindness without expecting anything back.

So where do you begin?

To get you started, I have listed 29 ideas below. And why the number 29? Because it is as good a number as any – and also because I couldn’t think of idea number 30!

Put them into practice and also create your own:-

1. Send someone a hand written note of thanks.

2. Make a card at home and send it to a friend for no reason.

3. Buy a lottery ticket for a stranger.

4. Put some coins in someone else’s parking meter.

5. Buy a coffee for the man on the high street selling The Big Issue magazine.

6. Cut your neighbour’s hedge.

7. Walk your friend’s dog.

8. Give a compliment about your waiter / waitress to his / her manager.

9. Send someone a small gift anonymously.

10. Stop and help someone replace their flat tyre.

11. Let someone jump the queue at the bank.

12. Pay for the drinks on the next table at a café.

13. Treat a friend to the movies for no reason.

14. Give a huge tip to someone when they least expect it.

15. Hold the train door open for someone rushing to get in.

16. Give up your seat for someone, not just an elderly person.

17. Write notes of appreciation at least once a week.

18. Talk to a homeless person and have a “normal” conversation.

19. Pick up some rubbish in the road which would otherwise be lying around.

20. Compliment a work colleague for their excellence.

21. Recommend a competitor to a potential client.

22. Give another driver your parking spot.

23. Give a piece of fruit to a delivery person.

24. Help an elderly neighbour carry the rubbish out.

25. Tell all your family members how much your appreciate them.

26. Leave a copy of an interesting book on a train / bus.

27. Buy an inspirational book for a friend.

28. Send a thank you note to a person who has helped you in the past.

29. Smile a lot.

What goes around is sure to come around – happy helping :-)

Please apply these ideas in your life from today – and share your own ideas and how you get on with spreading kindness in the world in the comments. That way I won’t have to think up idea number 30 myself!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Melanoma Myths

The facts you should know!

Most people are aware that melanoma is a form of skin cancer but many don't realise that it's not like the other forms of skin cancer and the following are some common beliefs about melanoma that are incorrect.

1. You only get melanoma where you've got sunburn: NOT TRUE

Melanoma does most commonly occur on sun-exposed skin, but it can grow just about anywhere - on the soles of your feet, the roof of your mouth, in your eyes, under your nails and in your sinuses or genital areas.

2. Only those who spend a lot of time in the sun are at risk: NOT TRUE

Although it is true that exposure to ultraviolet radiation increases our risk of melanoma - with more than 80% of melanoma caused by the sun - intermittent strong exposure to UV is more likely to damage skin cells and cause melanoma compared to getting a small amount of sun exposure every day. People who live in hot climates have a greater risk, but those who live in cooler climates aren't necessarily safe as temperature does not necessarily correlate with radiation - you can have cool weather with high UV.

3. Melanoma is something only older people get: NOT TRUE

Your chances of developing melanoma do increase with age however young people do get melanoma aswell. In fact, melanoma is the most common cause of cancer death in young Australians. 

4. People with dark skin don't get skin cancer: NOT TRUE

Good sun protection is just as important for people with dark skin even though they may never burn and their risk of melanoma is lower than that of people with fair skin, they are still at risk of getting skin cancer. 

So make sure you are sun safe when your in the sun whether it's hot or cold! Remember melanoma is the fourth most common cancer in NSW.

And ensure your life insurance policies are in place in case this were to happen to you!

Source: Hunter Melanoma Foundation - PipsNPieces May 2012

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Bowel Cancer Awareness Week

It's Bowel Cancer Awareness Week!

Did you know more people die of bowel cancer than prostate or breast cancer?

But the good news is, if it's detected early you can have a successful recovery. You can get a test kit from your local chemist however, before you do the test make sure your insurance policies are in place just incase!

'Join The Bowel Movement' to find out more.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Raising Awareness of Cruel Disease

May is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month and several events are being held to raise funds for those living in the Hunter Region.

We attended the MS Ball at Wests New Lambton on Saturday 19 May to help raise much needed funds.

We offered and are still offering anyone who either reviews their insurance or takes out a new insurance policy with me, I will donate money to MS Australia.

MS is a disease of the central nervous system which can cause irreparable scarring on the spinal cord which completely blocks the nerve impulses.

A cure is yet to be found and treatment methods don't work for every patient, with blindness, loss of bowel control, tremors, spasticity and chronic fatigue are some of the terrible symptoms.

The Hunter Region MS Fundraising Branch has also got some big events coming up with a Trivia Night on June 8 at Wallsend Diggers. Tickets are $20. If your interested in participating just give me a call on 4925 6125.

So if you would like to help MS suffers why not take a moment to review your existing insurance policies or if you don't have an insurance policy then this is a good time to get an obligation FREE quote.

If some-thing like this happened to your family would you be covered? Give me a call today to ensure your family is covered.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Need for Professional Advice

Anyone can buy insurance and think they are covered BUT the big test for that insurance comes at claim time when they need the money. This is why you need to talk to a specialist in the area so when you need to make a claim it will get paid and you will have someone on your side to help you through the claims process.

At Insurance For Living we are here to help you select the best policy that suits you at the best possible price and more importantly we will be there at claim time to help you make the claim and make sure you get paid! That’s our job.

See below link about how important it is to have the right policy and having someone to help you at claim time.

This is why you need to talk to an expert about your insurance matters so you won't have this problem. It’s a very specialised area and you want to make sure you have the right policy covering you when you need it most, at the right price.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Insurance for Living has Joined B1G1

One of my biggest joys in life has always been contribution. And here at Insurance for Living, we’ve always believed that businesses have the power to change lives. 

That’s why we’ re very proud to let you know we’ve become a Partner with Buy1GIVE1 (or B1G1). It’s an amazing organisation which lets us align everything we do to giving back in the most impactful of ways.
Just as one simple example ? Whenever people take out a new policy with us, five ? yes 5 ? families in Kenya will each be getting a goat ? yes that's right ? a goat! And that goat will give them a sustainable income for life.
It costs you nothing. But it makes such a difference. It’s just a great feeling to be giving as you know.

And now, when you take out a policy, your family is well protected and another 5 families get sustained. We think it’s what being in business is about ? Changing lives.
We also encourage other businesses to join B1G1 and help raise funds today!
Thank you for playing a part in making it happen.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Protecting Your Most Precious Asset

Have you got your child's insurance attached to your current Life Insurance policy? This is a new policy and if you haven’t revised your insurances lately it would be a good time to do it now to get this benefit.

It’s a natural desire to want to wrap your child in cotton wool and protect them from harm. But while cotton wool might protect them from sticks and stones, children are just as much at risk of suffering a traumatic event as adults.

Did you know the maximum benefit on the Child’s Critical Illness option has been increased from $50,000 to $200,000? Importantly, you decide how you spent the lump sum payment.

While money can’t buy a quick recovery, it can ease financial pressures you may face during an emotional time. Having Child Cover allows you to focus on your family when they need you most.

This is Lachlan’s story

Three year old Lachlan pulled a bowl of partly made jelly onto himself. The boiling water from the jelly caused third degree burns to his face and hands.

Fortunately, on Lachlan’s 2nd birthday, his parents took out a Child Cover Policy. They were able to claim a lump sum payment of $50,000 which helped pay for:

  • The top burns plastic surgeon in Australia
  • A part-time nanny to look after their other child
  • Lachlan’s mum to be able to take 6 months off work to be with Lachlan during the many operations
Lachlan’s dad was relieved they had taken out Child Cover. Not only because they didn’t have extended family to assist with extra child care, but the family was able to concentrate on Lachlan’s recovery without feeling financial pressure. He was able to continue running his own business, knowing the welfare of both his children was being looked after.

If you would like to have a free review on your current insurances to make sure you have this added benefit feel free to visit my website to book an appointment

Monday, April 9, 2012

Covering The Cost of Children

Raising children is the ultimate reward but it's far from a priceless experience.

Studies have shown the number of households with children is sent it drop below the number of single person and couples with no kids households. It's a major demographic shift. A range of different studies have found the typical Australian family will spend more than $500,000 bringing up two kids to the age of 21.

On average, about 23 per cent of the family income goes to raising two children. That's a big chunk of your budget. Yes, its expensive. Yes, it means adjusting your lifestyle.

But having children has always been a financial burden. The cost of kids is an easy excuse for delaying a decision to concentrate on career and enjoying the material things in life. There's nothing wrong with that if that's your choice. Just don't use the expense of children as the excuse.
The reality is you can afford to have children if you really want to. Like millions have in the past, you just make it work. It may mean a beach holiday in Australian rather than going overseas, or buying a second hand car rather than a brand new one. Lifestyle decisions definitely change but the important things in life don't have to.

The key is to start the financial planning before the family planning. This is the time to discuss whether that weekly half-carton of beer will still fit into the equation. Get used to living on a single wage. This will prepare you for parenthood on a single wage and at the same time help build a nice little nest egg.

But take it from us, the joy of having children far out weighs any financial impost.

So it's even more important to ensure your Life Insurance policies are in place so if something were to happen to you, your family would be financially secure.  

Source: The Daily Telegraph

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Are you going to shave for this great cause????

The Leukaemia Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave is one of Australia’s biggest fundraising events! People sign up and get sponsored to shave or colour their hair. The money they raise funds free services to support people with leukaemias, lymphomas, myeloma and related blood disorders, and their families, as well as research to improve treatments and find cures.

More than 11,500 people are expected to be diagnosed with a blood cancer or related blood disorder in Australia this year – equivalent to 31 people every day. Money is needed to fund research to find better treatments and cures and fund the Leukaemia Foundation’s free services to support patients and their families from diagnosis through treatment and beyond.

More than 125,000 people from all walks of life are expected to shave or colour their hair in 2012. Some will go it alone while others will get together with family and friends. Many schools will run a special ‘Crazy Hair Day’ for kids on Friday 16th and lots of people will take part in one of our special industry challenges at work.

WHEN:15-17 March 2012

WHERE: Many people will arrange their own event at home or work, while others will shave or colour in front of a crowd. The Leukaemia Foundation also hosts some public events which are listed at closer to the time.

HOW: Sign up online at or call 1800 500 088.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Creating Good Eating Habits from a Young Age

Good eating habits from an early age can help prevent eating disorders writes Rachel Browne. Teaching children to have a healthy relationship with food from a young age can reduce the likelihood of them developing eating disorders.

This means teaching them that food is fuel for the body, rather than a reward or punishment, says Christine Morgan, chief executive of the eating disorders support group, The Butterfly Foundation.

Ms Morgan has noticed an increase in the number of children diagnosed with early-onset eating disorders, which can start from as young as eight, in the past few years. You need to teach children to eat when they are physically hungry. We use food in a number of ways which aren't related to hunger. Food can be used as a reward; treats can be removed as punishment. Children build up these complex emotional links with food. We need to get back to the idea that food is fuel which gives you energy.

If you are active as a parent your child is much more likely to be active. If you make healthy food decisions your child is much more likely to do it. And if you do it as a family then they're much less likely to have any other problems in terms of eating disorders.

The Sun-Herald's Healthy Habits campaign about childhood obesity supported by the Children's Hospital, will cover critical topics and shows families practical steps to become more active and make better food choices.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Insurance for the Stay-at-Home Parent

Stay-at-home parents put in an estimated 94.4 hours of domestic duty each week 1. They're the child carer, support teacher, house cleaner, laundromat executive, school project manager, taxi driver, the gardener and so much more! If illness or injury were to strike a stay-at-home parent to the point where they could no longer perform their domestic duties, how would your family cope???

According to a study released by, a stay-at-home parent would earn nearly $124,000 a year if they were to be paid in cash for their roles at home. For the stay-at-home parent to be adequately covered, they need to ensure their insurance will cover the costs of outside help. For example;

Meal service for four people - $570 per week 2
Nanny - (based on 5 x 9 hour days) $1,125 per week 2
House cleaner - (based on 6 hours per week) $150 per week 3

I can provide families with peace of mind through a range of insurance options for stay-at-home parents.

Life Cover
A cost effective way to protect the running of the family in the event of death or terminal illness.

Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Cover
Pays a lump sum if the client suffers from total and permanent disability, such as multiple sclerosis or loss of limb.

Trauma Cover
Provides a lump sum if diagnosed with certain medical conditions such as heart disease or cancer.

Income Care Plus Benefit
Income Care Plus pays the working parent a monthly benefit if they are unable to earn an income due to illness or injury.

I can also introduce a domestic help benefit to the Income Care Plus product. If the life insureds spouse or defacto (who is a home maker or not working more than 20 hours per week) is disabled due to an accident, you will get help to pay child minding and housekeeping costs for up to three months.

1 The eighth annual survey of mothers' market value, by
2 As quoted on
3 As quoted by dial-an-angel

Source: Update Magazine

Monday, February 6, 2012

Bowel Cancer Act Now!

With one in 24 Australian women expected to develop bowel cancer, there's no room to cut corners when screening for the disease, write Professor Kerryn Phelps.

Bowel cancer us one of the most common cancers faced by women. Its symptoms, such as blood or mucus in faeces, persistant change of bowel habit, general discomfort or cramps in the abdomen and bloating, a feeling of fullness and tiredness, usually appear when the disease is well advanced, so it can be difficult to treat. Diagnosis at an early stage, there's a 90 per cent cure rate.

Who is at risk?
  • Bowel caner is the second most common cancer in Australia among men and women.
  • At least one in 22 Australians will develop bowel cancer during their lifetime
  • Australia has one of the highest rates of bowel cancer in the world, with more than 13,000 new cases each year
  • About 80 Australians die each week from bowel caner
  • Bowel caner becomes more common as people get older and mainly affects people over the age of 50
  • Regular colonoscopies or, if not available, FOBTs
  • A high-fibre, low-fat diet
  • Regular exercise
  • Maintain healthy weight and waist circumference
  • Avoid smoking
  • Avoid excessive alcohol
  • Limit fatty foods, fried foods, red meat and processed meat
  • Ensure an adequate intake of vitamin D, as people with higher levels of this vitamin have been found to have a 50 per cent reduced risk of developing colorectal caner. Meanwhile, patients with higher vitamin D levels before a diagnosis of colorectal cancer have significantly higher survival rates.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What Happens To Your Body When you Sleep

A good night's sleep is vital not only for your mood. It also helps reduce the risk of heart attack and obesity.

The Brain - Sleep is vital to give the cerebral cortex (the brain's 'thinking' part) a rest. The brain's plasticity, which helps us learn and process, is maintained by sleep. A lack of sleep makes us feel we are working on autopilot. We feel irritable, less flexible in out thinking and less able to cope with the unexpected.

The Eyes - As we more into deep sleep, rapid eye movement (or REM) occurs, with eyes moving quickly for up to 30 minutes at a time, repeating every 90 minutes. Much of our dreaming happens during REM and despite our eyes moving intensely, our bodies are extremely relaxed - which helps us stay asleep.

The Mouth - During the course of the night, saliva flow is reduced. This results in a dry mouth in the morning. One in 10 adults unconsciously grind their teeth at night, which is known as bruxism. This reaction is thought to be triggered by stress.

Heart and Blood - While sleeping, your heart rate and blood pressure fall by about 10 per cent. People who sleep seven to eight hours a night have the lowest rates of heart disease. a Norwegian study found insomniacs had a 45 per cent higher risk of heart attack.

Hormones - Sleep releases growth hormones, which boost muscle mass and repair cells and tissues. Lack of sleep can lead to obesity because of an imbalance in the hormones that regulate appetite. A good sleep lowers levels of ghrelin, which triggers appetite, and raises the levels of leptin, which tells your body it's full.

Immune System - A lack of quality sleep can disturb the ability of the immune system to fight infection, leaving the body vulnerable to viruses that cause colds and flu. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University found having less than seven hours' sleep depletes the body's ability to produce antibodies.

Skin - The fresh face we see after a good night's sleep is sometimes only temporary, and may be caused by water accumulating under the skin. Water flattens out wrinkles, but drains away an hour after we get up, making wrinkles reappear. Sleep also gives the skin a chance to be repaired by nocturnal growth hormones.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

9 Ways to Love your Liver

The liver is the largest internal organ in the human body and one of the most hard-working. Dietitian Karen Inge explains how to keep it in tip-top shape.

1. WATCH YOUR WEIGHT - Being overweight is associated with insulin resistance and diabetes, risk factors in developing fatty liver, a build-up of excess fat in the liver cells, which can become inflamed and may cause symptoms such as fatigue, abdominal discomfort, jaundice and fever.

2. DECIDE TO DETOX - The liver acts as a filter and can be badly damaged by excessive alcohol intake. So, if you love your liver, give it a rest with regular alcohol-free days.

3. HAVE A COFFEE FIX - Drinking black coffee to help sober up may have more merit than we first thought. Coffee may counteract the damaging effects of alcohol on the liver and help prevent cirrhosis. Once study of more than 125,000 people showed that one cup of coffee a day reduced the risk of alcoholic cirrhosis by 20 per cent; four cups lowered it by 80 per cent.

4. GO FOR ANTI-OXIDANTS - Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet filled with anti-oxidant-rich colourful fruit and vegetables may help damaged liver cells regenerate to form new healthy liver cells. Keeping the saturated fat content of your diet down, by choosing lean meat, fish and low-fat dairy means less work for your liver.

5. GET STUCK INTO VEGIES - Cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts and cabbage are fabulous for your liver's health. These vegies contain phytochemicals called glucosinolates, which help the liver produce the healthy enzymes needed for cleaning the blood of harmful toxins. The protective components of these vegetables also stimulate the liver to transform the tumour-promoting forms of oestrogen to weaker and safe types, reducing the risk of both breast and cervical cancer.

6. VITAMIN A ALERT - The essential fat-soluble vitamin A, is stored in the liver after absorption. Excessive amounts of this vitamin are toxic to the liver, so it is important we don't have to much.

7. CHOOSE WATER - Your liver needs plenty of water to do its job. Alcohol acts as a diuretic, which means it dehydrates you and forces the liver to divert water from elsewhere.

8. A TWIST OF CITRUS - Powerful compounds found in the peel, membranes, seeds, flesh and juice of citrus fruits can turn on the liver's detoxification processes to rid the body of cancer-causing agents.

9. THINK ZINC - Zinc is vital for the liver function, is involved in every energy reaction in the body and plays a key role in alcohol detoxification. Our richest food source of zinc is oysters, legumes and whole grains are good, but for better zinc absorption, add animal protein, such as yogurt or eggs, at the same meal.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

DID YOU KNOW??????????




  • 40% OF CANCERS LIFESTYLE RELATED - Almost half of all cancers can be avoided by lifestyle choices such as not smoking, limiting alcohol, eating more fruits and vegetables and exercising more, according to the Cancer Research UK report, which analysed cancer incidence rates in the UK across 14 years. Study authors say even they were surprises by how influential weight and diet were.

  • A BIT OF DIP HELPS THE BROCCOLI GO DOWN - About three-quarters of kids have a genetic sensitivity to bitter-tasting foods, which makes them even less fond of green vegies such as broccoli. A new study has shown, though, adding a few spoonfuls of dip to broccoli can boost a sensitive child's consumption of broccoli by as much as 80 per cent.