Monday, April 23, 2012

Insurance for Living has Joined B1G1

One of my biggest joys in life has always been contribution. And here at Insurance for Living, we’ve always believed that businesses have the power to change lives. 

That’s why we’ re very proud to let you know we’ve become a Partner with Buy1GIVE1 (or B1G1). It’s an amazing organisation which lets us align everything we do to giving back in the most impactful of ways.
Just as one simple example ? Whenever people take out a new policy with us, five ? yes 5 ? families in Kenya will each be getting a goat ? yes that's right ? a goat! And that goat will give them a sustainable income for life.
It costs you nothing. But it makes such a difference. It’s just a great feeling to be giving as you know.

And now, when you take out a policy, your family is well protected and another 5 families get sustained. We think it’s what being in business is about ? Changing lives.
We also encourage other businesses to join B1G1 and help raise funds today!
Thank you for playing a part in making it happen.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Protecting Your Most Precious Asset

Have you got your child's insurance attached to your current Life Insurance policy? This is a new policy and if you haven’t revised your insurances lately it would be a good time to do it now to get this benefit.

It’s a natural desire to want to wrap your child in cotton wool and protect them from harm. But while cotton wool might protect them from sticks and stones, children are just as much at risk of suffering a traumatic event as adults.

Did you know the maximum benefit on the Child’s Critical Illness option has been increased from $50,000 to $200,000? Importantly, you decide how you spent the lump sum payment.

While money can’t buy a quick recovery, it can ease financial pressures you may face during an emotional time. Having Child Cover allows you to focus on your family when they need you most.

This is Lachlan’s story

Three year old Lachlan pulled a bowl of partly made jelly onto himself. The boiling water from the jelly caused third degree burns to his face and hands.

Fortunately, on Lachlan’s 2nd birthday, his parents took out a Child Cover Policy. They were able to claim a lump sum payment of $50,000 which helped pay for:

  • The top burns plastic surgeon in Australia
  • A part-time nanny to look after their other child
  • Lachlan’s mum to be able to take 6 months off work to be with Lachlan during the many operations
Lachlan’s dad was relieved they had taken out Child Cover. Not only because they didn’t have extended family to assist with extra child care, but the family was able to concentrate on Lachlan’s recovery without feeling financial pressure. He was able to continue running his own business, knowing the welfare of both his children was being looked after.

If you would like to have a free review on your current insurances to make sure you have this added benefit feel free to visit my website to book an appointment

Monday, April 9, 2012

Covering The Cost of Children

Raising children is the ultimate reward but it's far from a priceless experience.

Studies have shown the number of households with children is sent it drop below the number of single person and couples with no kids households. It's a major demographic shift. A range of different studies have found the typical Australian family will spend more than $500,000 bringing up two kids to the age of 21.

On average, about 23 per cent of the family income goes to raising two children. That's a big chunk of your budget. Yes, its expensive. Yes, it means adjusting your lifestyle.

But having children has always been a financial burden. The cost of kids is an easy excuse for delaying a decision to concentrate on career and enjoying the material things in life. There's nothing wrong with that if that's your choice. Just don't use the expense of children as the excuse.
The reality is you can afford to have children if you really want to. Like millions have in the past, you just make it work. It may mean a beach holiday in Australian rather than going overseas, or buying a second hand car rather than a brand new one. Lifestyle decisions definitely change but the important things in life don't have to.

The key is to start the financial planning before the family planning. This is the time to discuss whether that weekly half-carton of beer will still fit into the equation. Get used to living on a single wage. This will prepare you for parenthood on a single wage and at the same time help build a nice little nest egg.

But take it from us, the joy of having children far out weighs any financial impost.

So it's even more important to ensure your Life Insurance policies are in place so if something were to happen to you, your family would be financially secure.  

Source: The Daily Telegraph