2. Use energy efficient light bulbs - Save more than $60. They use about 80 per cent less energy and last up to fifteen times longer compared to standard incandescent bulbs.
3. Don't over heat or over cool rooms - Save over $80 per year. Only heat or cool the room you're using and close blinds and curtains to help keep the heat out in summer or in during winter.
4. Use the clothes line instead of a dryer - Save up to $60 per year. Apartment dwellers can now dry clothes on the balcony with strata approval.
5. Get rid of that second fridge - Save up to $250 per year. Fridges older than 15 years can use 2-3 times the electricity of an equivalent new model.
6. Shave two minutes off your shower - Save up to $100 per year. Hot water is the biggest energy user in the average home and two minutes less in the shower saves enough electricity to run a standard TV for 8 hours.
7. Install a triple star shower head - Save up to $140 a year on energy and water bills. Prices start at less than $20.
8. Buy high star rating appliances - You will save on running costs. Each extra star on a new air conditioner will reduce running costs by around 10 per cent per year.
9. Wash clothes in cold water - Save around $60 per year. The cost per cycle on a warm wash can be five times more than on a cold wash.
10. Don't run your pool pump for too long - Save up to $120 per year. Households with smart meters can save up to $374 a year, by running their pool pump outside the peak times.
*NOTE: These estimates are based on Energy Australia NSW regulated retail pricing.
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